1 John 5 – summing up, and one more thing…
Here are a few thoughts on the final chapter of this lovely short letter of 1 John. Like the gospel of John, this letter rewards a fairly quick read with encouragement about life with God. And it also has depths which can be found with more time and attention to what John is saying. So, I encourage you to read it through again as a whole, stopping along the way to think and pray when something grabs your attention. In this final chapter, John sums up his thoughts about his main themes. He refers to the assurance that everyone has who believes in Jesus, that we have the Spirit of God and participate in God’s victory over the world. He contrasts this with those who are against God and make God out to be a liar. As disciples, “we know him who is true, and we are in him who is true” (v.20). John refers again to sin, and, perhaps confusingly (see my earlier comments on chapter 3), to Christians’ inability to sin. He refers to the assurance we have that God always hears us when we ask “a...